" I recognize my other self and
in the waning of that self
I grow and glow. "


March 7th, 2011


mirroing SouledOut



Sample Glossary

Adept A Master of Wisdom. Has taken 5 initiations and passed into the 5th or spiritual kingdom, from the 4th or human kingdom.

Agni Lord of Fire and one of the oldest and most revered gods in the Vedas. Symbol of the mental plane - the fires of mind or manas.

Akasha Sanskrit root "kas" - to radiate or shine. Higher correspondence of ether and relates to the substance which is Buddhi.

Akashic Records Records of all karmic action "impressed" upon the ethers. Most psychics perceive the distorted reflections on the astral plane.

Angel See "Deva".

Angel of the Presence The devic aspect of the "causal body" of a person.

Antahkarana Path or bridge between higher and lower mind, serving as a medium of communication between the two. Built through meditation/visualisation, service to humanity and study of occultism.

Ashram A centre to which the Master gathers aspirants and disciples for personal instruction

Astral Body The emotional or feeling body. Watery in nature and the seat of our desires. One of the most difficult bodies to control.

Atlantis A continent now submerged in the Atlantic ocean, according to occult teaching and Plato. Home of the Atlantean or 4th rootrace.

Atma Universal spirit. The divine Monad. The 7th principle.

Aura A subtle or invisible essence or fluid which emanates from human and animal bodies. It is psychic effluvium, partaking of both mind and body. It is electo-vital and electro-mental. Etheric, astral, mental bodies.

Avatar A special emissary of Light and Love that incarnates for the benefit of humanity, having technically no karmic obligation to incarnate. There are many types of avatars, from the earthly to the cosmic.

Black Magic The use of power and the manipulation of matter for selfish ends. Materialistic focus of forces that negate the evolutionary urge.

Bodhisattva One whose consciousness has become intelligence or buddhi. Name of office Lord Maitreya, known in the west as the Christ. The World Teacher is the Master of Masters and teacher of angels and humanity.

Brahma The third aspect of the Hindu trinity - Siva (father/ray 1- will), Krishna (son/ray 2 - love) and Brahma (mother/ray 3 - intelligence)

Buddhi Universal soul or mind. It is the 4th plane of perception of pure intuition, and is the state that all humanity is evolving toward.

Causal Body It isn't really a body, objectively or subjectively, but is the centre of Egoic or Soul consciousness, formed by the conjunction of buddhi and manas. It is relatively permanent throughout our long series of incarnations, but is destroyed after the 4th initiation is reached and we have achieved mastery over the three lower worlds.

Chain Seven "chains" of evolution within a planetary "scheme". There are seven "globes" of evolution within a planetary chain.

Chakra Sanskrit - "wheel or disc". An energy centre within one of the subtle bodies, formed by the intersection of many "nadis" or strands of etheric substance, forming the seven main chakras of the human being and the 22 minor chakras. There are also 343 "points of light" which correspond to the acupuncture points. Chakras can be energy centres in the solar system or the cosmos, or a human being.

Chela A "disciple" or pupil of a spiritual teacher or Master.

Chohan Lord, Master, a Chief. A 6th degree initiate. A custodian of one of the seven rays.

Christ The World Teacher of humanity and angels alike. The Master of Masters. Embodier of the 2nd or Love aspect of Deity. Known as Maitreya in the East. Set to "reappear" to 0fulfill His mission started 2000 years ago.

Deva (Angel) In sanskrit, a resplendent deity. Responsible for building all forms, from nature to the solar system, which consciousness uses as a vehicle - from a flower, to a human being, to a planet. Hence, the lesser builders and the greater builders refer to the different deva groups.

Dharma That which one must fulfill as an incarnate Being. One's duty as an understanding of the Law. Ethical doctrine - justice, harmony, virtue.

Dhyani Buddhas The 5 Buddhas - Vairocana, Aksobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha and Amoghasiddhi. Same as Kumaras. See "Kumara".

Dweller on the Threshold The "shadow" or unredeemed aspect of the personality that is built up over lifetimes - it can assume the shape of a grotesque thoughtform. The Soul goes into battle with the Dweller at a critical stage of its evolution, and eventually emerges triumphant. This process may take several lives.

Ego The soul as an individualised unit of consciousness within the greater ocean of consciousness.

Egoic Groups The "causal" bodies of individual men and women, as they exist on the mental plane, as an expression of the Ego. They congregate in groups according to ray colouring.

Egoic Lotus The 3 tiers of petals (knowledge, love and sacrifice) that are opened over the immense period of time that is the Soul's journey. Eventually the three petals of the central bud (the jewel in the lotus) are opened when the individual achieves "Liberation".

Elementals The spirits of the elements of earth, water, fire and air. They are the lesser "devas" or "builders". They can inhabit the residual etheric/astral bodies of humans that are still breaking down after death, much like a hermit crab inhabits a shell.

Esoteric That which is hidden or veiled. It is subjective wisdom that can only be perceived with the developed subtle senses.

Etheric Body The subtle part of the physical body. The physical plane is divided into 7 subplanes (as are all planes). The lower 3 subplanes represent the physical body, and the higher 4 subplanes represent the etheric body.

Fifth Principle Mind - the intelligent thinking principle which differentiates the human kingdom from the animal kingdom.

Fohat Cosmic electricity. Primordial light. The universal propelling life force. Ceaseless destructive and constuctive power.

Glamour Illusion or maya, specifically on the astral plane. The former refer to the mental and physical planes respectively. Glamour is astral energy colouring mental energy so that it distorts reality.

Globe An evolution within a "chain" period : seven globes to a chain. Earth is currently in her fourth "globe" period.

Gnosis Knowledge of God. The Mysteries of Being. Wisdom. Sophia.

God Deity or originating cause. See "Logos".

Gunas (3) The three divisions of matter : Tamas (inertia), rajas (activity) and Sattva (Harmony).

Guru Spiritual teacher. A Master in metaphysical and ethical doctrines.

Hierarchy Group of spiritual beings on the inner planes of the solar system who are the intelligent forces of nature and who control the evolutionary processes. Divided into 12 Hierarchies. The Occult Hierarchy or Masters of Wisdom, disciples and initiates are a reflection.

Individualisation The moment when "the spark of mind" was implanted in humanity, over 18 million years ago, through the stimulation of the "lords of flame", form the Venus "chain" of the Earth "scheme".

Initiations Successive expansions of consciousness that mark vital stages of the soul's journey. When one is "initiated", one has already been self initiated, because "to initiate" means to start something that will eventually lead to the higher expansion of awareness. There are initiation ceremonies which "confer" initiation, and give the candidate an expanded experience that they will never forget, inspiring them onward in their evolution.

Intuition "The synthetic understanding which is the perogative of the soul..". That which is beyond feelings and thought -buddhic awareness.

Kalachakra The Wheel of Time. Kalachakra tantra most esoteric Mahayana Buddhist teaching given by "Lords of Shamballa".

Kali Hindu goddess of life and death. Kali Yuga (age/cycle) is the present age of death and destruction - a period of 432,000 years.

Kama-manas Desire mind. The combination of astral and lower mental energy. Source of all our "glamours".

Karma The Law of Cause and Effect. Physical action. The Law of Retribution. Karma of merit/demerit. The whole universe is conditioned by this law. Moral effect of an act committed which gratifies personal desire.

Kumaras Hindu for "The mind-born Sons of Brahma". The highest seven self conscious beings in our planetary scheme. There are 3 "exoteric" and 3 "esoteric" and Sanat Kumara is the "One" in between who mirrors the unformed (arupa) realms into the formed (rupa) realms. These Kumaras originally came to Earth from the Venus "chain" of the Earth "scheme".

Kundalini The power of Life - one of the forces of nature (feminine) that lies coiled, serpent like at the base of the spine. It creates the foundation of matter, into which spirit incarnates. Awakens naturally through evolution, but can have very destructive effects if prematurely activated through wrong meditation or yogic practices.

Lemuria Continent which preceded Atlantis, the last remnants of which are Australia, Borneo, Madagascar and Easter Island. It was in this race/continent that the "spark of mind" was implanted in humanity.

Logos "God" in a relative sense. There is a Planetary Logos and a Solar Logos. Logos = word : the creative word (mantram) brings all forms into manifestation, whether it is a solar system or a human being.

Lords of Flame One of the great Hierarchies of spiritual beings who guide the solar system. Closely related to the Kumaras.

Lotus Description of any energy centre, human or cosmic. The petals of a lotus represent different qualities, colours and stages of evolution. They may be folded and unawakened, or unfolded and awakened.

Macrocosm The greater body of manifestation in which we (the microcosm) live.

Maitreya Buddha Forthcoming Buddha of Compassion. The Christ.

Mandala A mystical diagram in which are drawn symbols representing aspects of Deity, and used to invoke that energy.

Mahachohan Lord of Civilisation. Head of the third great department of the Hierarchy. Embodiment of the 3rd ray or 3rd aspect of Deity - Active Intelligence, which gives birth to the 4 rays of attribute.

Mahamanvantara A great cycle of manifestation for a solar system. A "manvantara" is a lesser cycle within this greater cycle, but still of vast duration by human standards - 308,448,000 years.

Manas Mind, mental faculty. Individualising principle. Divided into two parts - higher mind/lower mind.

Mantrams A form of words or syllables rhythmically arranged, so that when sounded, certain vibrations are generated. "The word made flesh."

Manu The representative name of the great Being who is the Ruler or primal progenitor of the human race. "Manu" and "Manas" come from the sanskrit root "man" - "to think".

Manvantara Period of activity as opposed to a period of rest. Frequently used to express a period of planetary activity and its seven races.

Maya Illusion on the physical plane. That which the whole planet is enmeshed. See "Glamour".

Masonry Ancient esoteric tradition whereby an attempt is made to align with the forces of Deity, through ritual, allegory and symbol, and thereby anchor those forces upon the physical plane. The "Builders" of Masonry are an allegory for the building, by the soul, of the causal body. Some more modern orders admit women.

Mayavi Rupa Sanskrit "illusory form". Body of manifestation created by a Master through an act of will, for use in the three worlds.

Microcosm The little universe, or a human manifesting through its body, the physical body.

Monad The One. The threefold spirit on its own plane. The unified triad of atma, buddhi and manas. The immortal essence of ourselves which uses the soul to incarnate through, just as the soul incarnates through our personality.

Mother of the World Great "deva lord" who embodies the substance of all planes of perception. She is responsible for the Law of Karma working out through her many deva "agents".

Nadi A channel for the conveying of prana in the etheric vehicle.

Nirmanakaya The perfected beings who renounce nirvana (the highest state of spiritual bliss) and choose a life of self sacrifice, becoming members of that invisible host which ever protects humanity within karmic limits.

Permanent Atom Small force centres on each of the planes which hold the memory of all incarnations, and which the reincarnating soul draws upon when building new bodies of manifestation.

Personality The sumtotal of the 3 fold lower self : physical, astral, mental.

Plane of Perception There are seven planes of perception on this "cosmic physical" plane - physical, astral, mental, buddhic, atmic, monadic and Adi. These planes are subdivided into seven subplanes each, making 49 subplanes in all. An essential part of "septenaries" in occultism that can be applied with the 7 rays to broaden understanding.

Planetary Logos The informing entity of any planetary scheme, which is made up of many other globes and chains - the physical planet just being one expression of the great life incarnate in a scheme. The Kumaras or Sanat Kumara is simply the personality expression of this great being.

Prakriti That which caused the universe to manifest itself.

Prana The Life principle, the breath of life.

Pranayama The science of rhytmic breathing as applied in meditation.

Raja Lord Angel who ensouls and is the controlling intelligence of a plane.

Raja Yoga True system of developing psychic and spiritual powers and union with the soul. It involves the exercise, regulation and concentration of thought. It is the "kingly science" and supercedes hatha and bhakti yoga.

Ray One of the seven streams of force from cosmic sources that enter our solar system and condition all life within it, including all the kingdoms of nature on Earth. The planets in the solar system are really the "vehicles" that pass this energy on. Each individual has their own "ray make-up".

Reincarnation Doctrine of cyclic rebirth by the evolving consciousness through all types of environments in accordance with the Law of Karma.

Root Race One of the seven major races that evolve upon a planet during a "world period". Most Asian races belong to the 4th Atlantean rootrace, and most of the west are of the 5th or Aryan rootrace. There are 7 subraces to each rootrace, just as there are 7 subplanes to each plane.

Round A periodical life-wave that pours through a globe, chain and scheme.

Sangha Community of monks. One of 3 precious jewels that must be held by one wishing to tread the path of Liberation.

Sanskrit Ancient language of India, in which the sacred texts are written.

Scheme The "system of worlds" that constitute the evolution of a Planetary Logos – e.g. Earth, Venus etc. This system includes chains, globes and rounds, or periodical life waves moving through it.

Senzar The secret language or "mystery speech" of initiated adepts all over the world. It is very ancient, and predates Sanskrit.

Shamballa The City of the Gods. "Shangri-La". It is situated in the Gobi desert, and is where Sanat Kumara is "anchored" in etheric substance.

Siddhis Psychic powers developed through yogic practices. Many types.

Sirius Star from which this solar system emanated - important for Earth in this cycle.

Solar Logos The great entity incarnate as our solar system. The planets in this Being's body represent its major "chakras'.

Soul "Neither spirit nor matter but the relation between them. It is the middle or love principle and that which reincarnates in different bodies.

Substance The principle underlying dense matter.

Sutratma The "life" thread anchored in the heart - linking spirit, soul and body via the "permanent atoms".

Tantra The union of male/female forces in the body that evokes the wisdom principle and hence highest spiritual awareness. Often distorted into lower sex yoga practices.

Triad Atma, buddhi, manas - expression of the Monad.

Vedas Most sacred and ancient of Sanskrit works, written in hymn form.

Wesak A festival which occurs at the Taurus full moon every year, celebrating the birth of the Buddha, and where the Hierarchy gather to receive newly released forces to the planet. A time for Initiation.

White Magic Conscious cooperation with spiritual law and the deva forces to bring about manifested change, for the motive of service to humanity.

Yoga Sanskrit "unite". Hatha (physical). Bhakti (devotional - astral). Karma (yoga of action). Raja ("kingly" - mental) Agni (fire - intuitive/buddhic)